
The piano

The Piano

The piano is an instrument that can be used to play more than one note at a time. It is normally made out of wood and is very important to the orchestra. There are 83 notes on a piano made up of black notes and white notes (black notes are more commonly called flat notes). The piano’s music is laid out on a sheet and is made of semibreves, dotted minims, minims, crotchets, quavers, and semi-quavers. The piano is my favourite instrument and is the first instrument I have ever learned to play.It is my favourite instrument because:

  • It is a very complicated instrument
  • I have been playing it for a long time
  • There are lots of different pieces to choose from to play
  • Once you can read the music sheets of a piano, you can read the music sheets of any instrument!

The piano is my favourite instrument I have ever played which is why I have created a post about it. I hope I have inspired others to learn to play the piano too.