
The Night by Me


I’m Kirsten and I will like to show you a book I’ve  made.

Its called The Night.

Its a kids’ story.

And this is how it goes:

Once upon a time there was nothing, nothing at all. It stayed like that for a really, really long time. Until one day there was a big bang! It created wonderful things! It created stars, the 8 planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. It also created all the other things you find in dim space. But most importantly it created bright sun and dark moon who where the best of friends. A few minutes later people arrived.

The sun and the moon didn’t play together much because they have a job. Do you know what their job is? That’s right! Making day and night. One day the moon left and the sun was really sad. It was light day all the time! It stayed like that for a really long time. Millions of hours past but the moon didn’t come back! Then one magical moment the moon arrived home and the sun was so relieved to have her friend back. The hours past, then days past, then weeks, then months, then years with them together. Repeating their day and night talent over and over and over and over again. Then one day the sun left and the moon was really lonely. It stayed like that for a really, really, really long time. At the start he was sad for a long time, but then he got really angry that she wasn’t there anymore. One amazing moment the sun came back! But instead of being relieved they had a argument that turned into a battle! But then they decided to stop the battle.

They became friends again and it all went back to normal. Day, night, day, night, day, night, day, night …

I hope you liked it.

Kirsten B


3 thoughts on “The Night by Me

  • Wow, Kirsten! I really enjoyed reading this. 🙂

  • I love it Kirsten, it’s the best!

  • I really enjoyed reading this Kirsten and I’m looking forward to reading your next story or article for the magazine!

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