Our Learning

The Nature Table: Nature from Around the World


Hi we’re Hannah and Emily from Year 6 and I we’re here to talk about nature all across the world .

First of all, if you are a student or teacher in Lady J, then you might have seen we assembly we did. If you did not see my assembly then I will explain what it was  about.

In the assembly, we talked about our nature table which is a display bored  where we display your findings of nature. This is how it works: on Monday morning, you come to the nature table to bring us something you found that is nature and we display it. If your finding is particularly good, then we will show Ms Foster so it can be mentioned in the celebration assembly. Did you know otters hold hands whilst they sleep so they don’t lose each other? So cute -I know !

If you want to find more information about nature, then meet Emily or Hannah or Freddy at the nature table on Monday before the registration.

One thought on “The Nature Table: Nature from Around the World

  • Remember to bring in your nature findings on Mondays!

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