
The Mystery of the 4 Friends

Once upon a time, long long ago there were 4 curious friends who adored astronauts (lily,Diana,Bella and Clair ) they always kept talking about astronauts and how brave they are for going out of the world and landing on the moon.
All of them trained every day and every night,day after day and night after night to become the perfect astronauts. They all worked together as much as they can in their free time and a whole 2 years passed of practicing and working hard .And finally ,they were qualified to become astronauts …
Sadly,none of them had the money to buy a rocket !So Diana thought of an idea,“What if we build our own rocket!” She exclaimed.

“YES! YES! YES!” lily shouted . “We shall build our own rocket!”

So then they thought it was a hundred times cheaper(about 50% cheaper)and was going to be much better.

So they went to buy all the tools to build a rocket! The 4 friends then gathered all the money they had and put it in the rocket savings and had £7 to spare .Afterwards, they started building…

Clair hammered the nails , Bella supported the rocket, Lily held the walls and Diana was the captain.
Since day one to day one hundred, that they have been working as hard as ever to build this rocket.
Finally ,they were ready. They were ready to take off.  Time passed so fast that they suddenly heard some numbers in their ears, “And it’s going to take off in 3,2,1, TAKE OFF!”

They were all terrified but excited at the same time – all of them were sweating in their tight squeezed spacesuit…

After a few hours, they were finally just about to touch the moon with their rocket when a mysterious looking door appeared out of nowhere and and started to grab them inside a mysterious looking place…

They were all extremely dizzy and scared but when they opened their eyes they found this beautiful, mysterious and amazing looking place.

They found flowers,beautiful plants , butterflies ,birds and it looked looked like they were in a beautiful paradise!

they all thought of living there, and staying, and they agreed.

So right now the 4 curious friends  are now in this heavenly world…

And that is what  happens when you be curious!
I really hope you liked my story (: