
The Incredible Poppy (My Dog)!

This article is all about my dog Poppy.

She is an 8 year old dog who always is ready for some food. Although she may be ‘old’, she is still an adorable puppy to me.

First things first, you have to get to know Poppy. Poppy is a lively cocker spaniel who loves running around inside and outside. Did you know that cocker spaniels were bred to be gun dogs which would fetch prey that their owner killed? Gruesome! They may have used to be amazing at fetching and were bred to fetch things, but Poppy can’t even bring back what you have thrown.

Amazing how animals evolve isn’t it? I still can’t believe Poppy’s ancestors used to be wolves. It just doesn’t make sense to me!

We got her when I was two years old and my sisters were babies(they are twins). My dad bought Poppy because my parents were looking after my sisters and I didn’t get any attention from them. So Poppy kept me company.

Lots of dogs are good at tricks and stuff like that, but, although cocker spaniels are the 20th smartest dog, Poppy only knows sit- and, even so, sometimes we have to bribe her with cheese just for her to sit!

Poppy’s favourite food is cheese or ham so if you give her a cheese and ham sandwich she will be singing with joy. When my dad puts on dance music to make dinner or clean up, Poppy walks in the room the music is playing, so I predict she likes that music a lot.

Her favourite room in any house is a bedroom because she will always lay on a bed all day long. She loves long walks on the beach and always splashes in the water.

Thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it. Comment if you want one about our horse Harry in school or on this. See you soon hopefully.

Bye 😀 !