
The Heartbreaking and Happy story of tomiii 11…

This article is dedicated to a true soldier who braved his way through his foul, cruel and fatal sickness…

TomƔs Blanch Toledo [aged 12]) aka tomiii 11.

Tomas was a child from the South American country of Chile who had brain cancer so he had to have an eye-patch over one eye. He had many dreams as a child of being a famous YouTuber so he must of been overjoyed when one of the most followed Spanish speaking FaceBook accounts asked people to subscribe to him he gained a quick subscriber boost and as of when I am writing this has unfortunately passed away and has 10.1 million subscribers on his YouTube channel:

RIP Tomas Blanch Toledo (June 13th 2009 – August 30th 2021 aged just 12 šŸ™