
The Haunted Lady Joanna Thornhill School – Chapter 1

Once, there was a school called Lady Joanna Thornhill that was VERY HAUNTED.

No-one wanted to go there because strange things kept happening: books falling off shelves, chairs moving by themselves and doors slamming when no-one was in the room. One time a pencil moved all by itself!

On the other hand, there was one very brave girl at Lady Joanna. When she saw strange things happen, she just carried on with her work. This amazing girl was called Isabelle. The other children all respected her because they were all so nervous about something happening.

Things were getting worse. Strang things kept on happening. The ghost began going into adult’s bodies. When this happened the teacher or TA would look scary and stare at you for a long time. You knew that they were possessed because green slime would come out of their eyes.

Isabelle decided to find out who the ghost was before things got too out of hand.

3 thoughts on “The Haunted Lady Joanna Thornhill School – Chapter 1

  • Oooohhh, she sounds brave! I can’t wait to read the next chapter!

  • I like it, it’s really scary!

  • I wonder who the ghost is?
    Looking forward to the next installment…

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