What We're Watching

Snow White

Snow White

Snow White is a very kind and caring person who is always willing to help others. She would do anything to support you and make you happy. But, she has a very evil and selfish stepmother who was jealous and wanted to kill Snow White because of her beauty and her kindness towards others…

As she is a kind and loving person she has  unique knowledge of knowing what animals say. So one day, she was cooking a meal for her self and all the animals helped her get the ingredients and cooking items.The birds carried the flour, the deers cracked the eggs in the bowl, Snow White whisked  it all up and the rest of the animals kept adding ingredients and whisking them all up.
All the animals had a jolly time And all helped each other carefully and Sensibly. When she went outside to get some fresh air ,she found an old woman coming towards her. The old lady offered her an apple and snow white happily took it. When she just took one bite of it,she found herself on the floor. When the 7 dwarfs came out looking for her, they found her laying on the floor. They tried everything to wake her up but nothing did…

In a blink of an eye, she was already in her glass coffin were flowers surrounded her.

It was only were a kiss of the prince could wake her up…