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Ramadan is a very special and important month for Muslims. Some of the things we do are:

  • Fast
  • Read Quran
  • Give to charity
  • Show respect

Fasting is an important rule in Ramadan. When we fast, we can not eat or drink anything, but, you are only supposed to fast when you are old enough. For example, some Muslims start fasting at the age of 13 or 14.

Fasting is between sunrise and sunset which some people call ‘suhur’. We fast because it inspires us with empathy for the poor.

We also do fast to ask God or Allah to forgive us for all of our sins.

We ask God to forgive us by Reading Quran, giving to charity and showing respect to others. Some people like to lay out food in a few tables and during the Iftar ( when we eat again after the sun has set ) so all the poor people could eat and when this happens this is called Mawed el rahman (tables).

3 thoughts on “Ramadan!

  • What an interesting article, Fareeda! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

  • Thank you so much for sharing Fareeda – a really interesting read!

  • Thank you Fareeda ! I never knew so much about Ramadan !

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