
Our Favourite Artist!

Hi,  my  name is Hannah and I am here today with my friend Elsie. Today we will be talking to you about art we like and why.  We will also teach you how to do a  step by step amazing piece of artwork! Let’s get started 🙂

Elsie says: My favourite artist is Banksy from Bristol. My dad grew up in Bristol and so did Banksy, so when we would go and visit family there I would ask about all of the graffiti and I was taught that most of it was Banksy’s artwork. This interested me more and more and I became more aware of graffiti around us in the wider world. So if you go to visit different places with graffiti (especially Bristol) have a look out for odd and amazing graffiti because it could be Banksy’s. Thank you for reading about my favourite artwork 🙂

Hannah says: I love Banksy to he is so mysterious and I really like the fact that no one knows his or her true identity. I absolutely adore abstract art it is always so vibrant and colourful and it makes me feel happy.