The Wider World

My Pets

My border collie!

My name is Freya Marie Arnold.I am going to tell you about my pets!I have a border collie dog called Paige. She is an AMAZINGΒ  dog who protects me and my sister, Leah Arnold.She also treats us as her puppies!Once she swallowed a bee to protect us.Leah said ‘When there is fireworks, she is scared so she thinks I am scared so she comes to cuddle me.’Clearly, I’m not the only one thinks she is an AMAZING dog.

My hamster

I also have a hamster called Cookie!He is soooo fluffy and very RARE colours (black,white,brown and grey.)Cookie is a Syrian hamster.

My sister’s fish

My sister has two goldfish called Salt and pepper.Leah won them in her Reception class raffle at LADY J. Salt is gold with black spots on their back. Pepper is pure orange. They get fed two times a day .(In the afternoon and morning)

My cat

My last pet I am going to tell you about is my black cat Boo.She is very loyal to her family and so intelligent . She can jump really high and her eyes are green . Once my cousin had a sleepover and the kitchen light was off and she went into the kitchen so all she could see was Boo’s eyes so she got scared! Boo is such a funny cat.

That is all my pets.Which one was your favorite?

Thank you for reading my article!

Freya A


3 thoughts on “My Pets

  • Never Knew Marie Was Your Middle but Could Article

  • I personally like Boo but they all sound adorable in their own way and you’re soooooooo Lucky

  • Boo sounds sooooooooooooo cute!!!😺😺😺

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