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Mt Vesuvius- A Volcano

Vesuvius is a volcano this is the story about Vesuvius hitting Pompeii…..

It started as a lovely morning: everyone cheerful, children playing hide and seek and people selling food for everyone to eat. After a hour, birds started to fly away from the Mountain/Volcano.

Then the ground started to shake…

Everything fell. Bricks started to fall off the houses- but everyone thought it was just a normal earthquake so everyone just stayed in their houses…

After an hour, the sky went black and the mountain pushed out black smoke then people thought that something new was happening because no mountain can push out black smoke so everyone packed their things and went running out from their houses.

Soon everything caught on fire; everyone was screaming and shouting. “HELP HELP!” They screamed.

Finally, the eruption ended. Only a quarter of the people of Pompeii escaped the eruption. 10,000 died….

Pompeii was now completely covered in ash.

In a couple of years, no one would even remember where it once stood.