
Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton

He was born in 1642–1727. Despite his tragic death at age 80, he is still remembered for being a great scientist.

Isaac Newton is most famous for ‘Gravity’. ‘Gravitas’ is the Latin word which Newton named gravity after.  ‘Gravitas’ means, heaviness, seriousness, weight or importance.

The story of Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity started when he was sitting next to a tree. (Nobody knows if it really started like that though.) Suddenly, an apple fell down. Newton was full of curiosity. He was also puzzled. He had no idea about why this happened. He thought it was something to do with objects falling towards the earth. He realized that objects are pulled down towards the earth. He named this pull gravity.

Newton also explained how rainbows are made. When white light shines through a prism, it comes out rainbow. He explained that white light is made of different colours of light. That is why there are rainbows in the sky.

I hope you learned louds of facts about Isaac Newton!

One thought on “Isaac Newton

  • What a fantastic explanation! Thank you for sharing!

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