
How to Make Homemade Lemonade!

How to make lemonade!


  • Any available type of sugar
  • Lemon juice. Can be bought, not made.
  • Water
  • Ice cubes (not needed but optional)
  • 1 Lemon Slice and/or straw (not needed but optional, for decoration)


First, add lemon juice to your glass, about as high as shown here.

Now run the tap slowly for five seconds to cool down the water, then fill your cup up slowly.

Now get a teaspoon, add two scoops of sugar and stir it until the water is misty and there are no granules of sugar at the bottom of your glass.

Now taste it- if this is too sour, add two more and taste again!

Keep repeating this until you like the taste!

If you decided to get a lemon slice and/or straw, add the lemon slice round the rim of the glass and put the straw resting at the bottom!

One thought on “How to Make Homemade Lemonade!

  • This sounds delicious, Nathan!

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