
How to look after puppies!

How to Look After Puppies

I like puppies because they are so fluffy. They are also nice to hug!

I have a dog  called Reds. 


You have to look after dogs well. I am going to tell you how:

  1. Love them. Puppies need love just like people. This is easy because they are so adorable.

  2. Feed them. Puppies need special dog food. You can also give them dog biscuits.

  3. Give them hugs then they will feel cared for.

  4. Play with them to keep them happy. 

  5. Walk them. Dogs need to stay fit!

4 thoughts on “How to look after puppies!

  • This is a wonderful set of instructions, Elsie!

  • Fantastic! Reds sounds so cute!

  • What great instructions Elsie-May – I especially like the first one, love them!

  • What a great guide to looking after a dog. I love dogs as well Elsie.

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