
Her: Part 1

Part 1


Dear Reader,

I hope you’re sitting comfortably, as I’m about to tell you a story; but this is no ordinary fairy tale-it is a story of love and betrayal, murder and mystery, treason and treachery…Be warned my friend, as when you read this book, your spine will chill, your blood will boil, your mind will flip! Be warned my friend, be warned…

Chapter 1

Holding hands, Jack and Gill ran into the courtyard.
“ Oh Jack, I’m so glad that we’re finally married!” exclaimed Gill. They fell down, laughing, surrounded by fresh, green grass. Surprised, Gill turned around to look at Jack; she noticed something in his pocket. It was the map.
“Jack, is that the map that you found in Dad’s house?” questioned Gill. She was right : Jack tucked it away, further into his pocket, out of sight. ”It is the map!” she said, as she answered her own question. Before Jack could realise, Gill snatched the map out of his pocket, and ran. She ran far, far away.

Chapter 2

Jack stared upwards. The scene was different. The smell was different. The sight was different. The sight? The thought struck him: where am I? It turned out that Jack had woke up from an everlasting dream and was now staring at his wife.
“Who, who are you,” he stuttered.
“Why Jack, I am your wife! Don’t you remember me?”
“ N-n-no. Where’s Gill?”
“Why Jack , I am Gill. The one your used to is an imposter!” Thoughts raced through his mind, Uncle Goodman’s, the forest, the castle; there was always the feeling that someone was watching him, always the feeling that something was wrong. She was always there watching him. At first he thought it was a sign of love and truth; but no, it was a sign a sign of hatred and vengeance. Things stirred in his mind. He was taken back to Uncle Goodman’s, but not is all as it seems…

Chapter 3

It was all the same : the luxury sofas, the stainless steel toast racks, the ladies in peacock-like dresses. All the same. Except one thing, Gill. She was acting strange, she looked uncomfortable and was shuffling in her seat. She was trying to hide something: it was a long stick. A thin, black, long stick.
“You okay sonny,” one of the guests had nudged him,”you look a bi’ pale.”
“No-no-I’m fine.”Jack replied.
“Okay then,” he turned to leave, then quickly turned back round. “You wan’ a drink?”
“No-no, really, I’m fine.” Jack said, again. He huffed and left as if he was no use to anybody. Jack turned back to Gill. She had taken out her stick. It was glowing. He could hear a faint whispering as if someone was calling him: ‘Jack? Ja-ack? Can you hear me?’ All of a sudden his mind clicked back to the present.

Chapter 4

Gillian (his wife) was staring down at him. Kneeling over him as if she had been praying for his life.
“Oh Jack, thank goodness you’re Okay, you went unconscious again it scared me to death!” She cried.
“I-I’m fine,” he rubbed his head.”I think”.
“Why don’t you lie down while I get you a nice hot drink” she offered. Jack nodded his head in reply, too tired to do anything else. Slowly and carefully, he lay back his head, and closed his eyes. Again, things began to stir in his mind. He was taken back to the briars and brambles of the forest of thorns…

Chapter 5

Everything was the same, the thorny brambles, the strange blossoms, the white twigs. Though something was different, something he hadn’t seen before. Tracks had been planted on the ground. He walked on. The blossoms became fragments of clothing, the twigs became bones. Thoughts raced through his mind about all of these things, when he spotted something. Gill was on the path, chanting words while waving her stick. Skulls and clothing were appearing out of nowhere. She seemed to be giggling. She said,
“Jack will never know that I’m not his wife, but if he does he’ll have to get past this then he’ll be too scared to find his real wife and he’ll be running back to me” He stepped on a branch. It snapped. Gill turned round and screamed,
“You-you know my plan! You may not live on!” A light shone out of her stick and hit him in the chest…

One thought on “Her: Part 1

  • Emke, this is amazing! Please publish the next part of the story soon. I need to know what’s happening next. It is so suspenseful!!!

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