
French For Beginners

(any double letters means they are in the key at the bottom)


In this post I will teach you some simple French words also how to say them!

Let’s get started!

You – Tu ( pronounced “tou”)

I – Je (soft g sound)

and – et (pronounced “eh”)

Now we have some very basic words, let’s move on to some basic phrases!

I am – Je suis (je – soft g sound. suis – pronounced swee)

I have – J’ai (pronounced ggeh)

You are – Tu es (tou eh)

You have – Tu as (tou ah)

What about some letters? Here’s the alphabet in French

a – ah

b – bey

c – sey

d – dey

e – ough

f – eff

g – ggeh

h – ash

i – ee

j – gge

k – ckah

l  – el

m – em

n – en

o – ough

p – peh

q – koo

r – er ( r rolled at the end slightly)

s – ess

t – teh

u – oogh

v – veh

w – doobloo veh

x – eeks

y – e greck (r rolled slightly)

z – zed

And numbers!

1 – un (ung)

2 – deux (doo)

3 – trois (twou)

4 – quatre (catre (r slightly rolled))

5 – cinq (sounds like sank)

6 – sis (sounds like cease)

7 – sept (sounds like what it looks like)

8 – huit (sounds like yes in French (oui (wee)))

9 – neuf (sounds like nerf like nerf gun)

10 – dix (dee)

Thank you for reading!


– gg soft g sound