
Flower fairies Chapter5

                    Chapter 5- Arrietti

Camellia knew the army idea wouldn’t work because it  was an army of fairies against a witch so she asked Lily for help to help her. “Lily?” Asked Camellia to Lily.

“Yes.” Lily replied.

“So can you help me defeat the evil witch?”.

“NO WAY!” Screamed Lily. “Camellia don’t even go a step into there because it’s dangerous!”


Camellia was sad. Did Lily not like her? She sat In her room and read her favourite book ( Harry Potter YAYYYY). I while later she came up with a idea! She was gonna fetch her BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Arrietti! ‘I HAVE A IDEA!  Then Lily shouted ‘SHUT UP CAMELLIAAAAAAAA ‘Camellia felt like this: LOL

Camellia went to Arriettis house. Arrietti opened the door. She saw Arrietti’s Mum at the doorstop, Jane. “Hello Camellia! Also dodo you know who turned us into a fairy?” Camellia sadly replied with “I don’t….  but don’t worry about that. ”

Then Jane said a bit disappointedly “(°o°:) that’s ok I guess then….. do come in though!”

” Alright” exclaimed Camellia excitedly. She was so excited to meet happy again.  She couldn’t wait to see her wings! Jane’s had a sun. When she walked in she saw Arriettis little brother, Jasper. Jasper was Camellias 2nd favorite Fincham and the youngest one that she knew of. When  Jasper saw Camellia, he said in his Jasper voice, “KEMAAAAAA”.

Camellia replied shyly ” Hallo Jasper!”.

She wasn’t scared of Jasper but sometimes Jasper can be a bit…. crazy (⊙_◎). 

Camellia went passed Jasper and looked around. Downstairs she could not find Arrietti so she looked upstairs. The bathroom door was open and no one was in there so she peaked in Jane’s room because Jane doesn’t really like it when people go in there.  So then she looked in the last room on the upstairs which was Arrietti’s and Jasper’s room. There she saw Arrietti playing with her hatchimals. She had a lot.

“Hi Arrietti!” Said Camellia. Yet Arrietti was more surprised that Camellia was here.

“HI CAMELLIA NOW TELL ME ABOUT THE WINGS I NEED LESSONS!” Said Arrietti in her normal Arrietti  excited voice.

“I’m sorry. I don’t really know about the wings.”  Said Camellia trying to cry for her.

“Awh” Said Arrietti sadly, in her real emotions she was less sad than Camellia. After a breif pause Arrietti fell to the floor and buried her face in her palms. Camllia felt bad but she was also wondering…what was gonna happen next. It was like a book. When you got to the most interesting page but mum says its time to go to bed and she turns off the lights and you have to wait till the morning too read it again. You know.. that sort of feeling with suspense stuck in your veins. Well, thats EXCACTLY what Camellia felt! While, Camellia was wondering what Arrietti was gonna say next, she SAID SOMETHING! (plz ignore that I was acting like Arrietti is a baby and she’s saying her first words LOL🌝🌝🌝🌝) Arrietti said, “I-I” Hmmm, she didnt really say anything I guess.

Anyways, Camellia responded with, ” What did you say?” Which would properly be any normal persons response to, well, I-I. AnYwAyS. She (Arrietti) was all like, ” DiD yOu Do ThIs? ”

Camellia was all like, simply, ” No”

Arrietti, said,” Ok ” But, it was like,like, how Camellia was talking. Arrietti looked up at Camellia like Camellia was Ariana Grande. Camellias face looked like this: 🙂 .  Arrietti, finally, after what had seemed like hours, said, ” Then who did?”

Camellia K
