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Facts about World War II

These facts are from Jessica Burley (Wagtails Class)

  • The war started on 1st September, 1939.
  • The war ended on 2nd September, 1945.
  • The war started when Germany invaded Poland
  • The war was against The Allies and The Axis.
  • The Holocaust was one of the most terrible events to happen.
  • There were lots of major battles
  • World War II was not only fought in Europe. …
  • In total WWII claimed the lives of approximately 60 million people.
  • The Holocaust claimed the lives of six million Jews.
  • World War II was a continuation of World War I. …
  • The immediate cause of WWII was the German invasion of Poland.
  • World War II was the biggest and deadliest war in history.
  • More than 50 nations in the world were fighting, with more than 100 million soldiers deployed. Countries like America and Britain were part of the Allied powers. Japan and Germany were part of the Axis powers.
  •  Britain went to war in 1939 to defend the balance of power in Europe and safeguard Britain’s position in the world.

Thank you for reading this! Have an amazing day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( By the way, the 3rd chapter of A Magical Universe is coming soon!)

One thought on “Facts about World War II

  • nice facts Jess , post more !

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