Our Learning

Facts about Michael Jackson!


By Pippa Brown & Aisha Hamazaoui

  • Michael Jackson’s birthdate is August 29th 1958.
  • He always wore his shiny glove on his left hand.
  • His favourite sport was basketball.
  • His favourite colour was red and he loved orange juice and milkshakes! (mainly chocolate)
  • His favourite food was Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) !
  • He didn’t like spaghetti and pasta types of foods!
  • He loved chimps !
  • On the exact day he had died , many websites crashed all at the same time at approximately 3:15pm.
  • Michael Jackson had a meeting at The World Trade Center on September 11th 2001 , on the American Airlines Flight 11 , in other words the 9/11 , luckily , he overslept and missed his flight!
  • He had a pet rat , Ben and a pet monkey , bubbles! Sadly , his rat died but her made a song about him named ‘Ben’ .
  • Michael Jackson had a fear of dogs after being attacked by one as a child.
  • He had a condition where his skin-race would change to become lighter.
  • He was 5’9 in height.
  • Michael Jackson is originally from Gary Indiana.
  • He weighed 120 pounds in the 1980s.
  • Sadly , his death took place on the 25th of June 2009 at the age of 50 , Los Angeles , California.

5 thoughts on “Facts about Michael Jackson!

  • Woahhh this is amazing! I hope too see more work!

  • Nice

  • Very interesting! I didn’t know that he always wore his shiny glove on his left hand!! You know you
    learn something new every day!

  • the work was amazing!!!!!!!!

  • hi everyone, i hope you had a fabulous day!

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