Our Learning


Hi and Asalamualaikum. Today we are going to learn about EID MMUBARAK. EID MUBARAK is a very important day because we do 1 month of Ramadan so Allah made a special day and it’s called EID MUBARAK. 

Here are some things we do:

  • We Meet Family/Call 
  • Go to Places 
  • Give Gifts/Money 
  • Forgive each other 

First we wake up at 7:00 or 8:00 in the morning. Next we shower to keep us clean. Then we were brand new clothes and brand new things. After that, we go to the mosque to pray. Next we call family or meet family. Then we we go to places to eat food  or stay home and eat yummy food. Next we give each other a gift. Finally we forgive each other. That’s what we do in EID MUBARAK.

I hope you enjoy it. I guess I will see you next time.