
Coding For Beginners

Coding… Creating games, Storing data, Editing other code. With code you can do nearly anything you can imagine. And in this post I’m going to teach you how to get started.

You will need some apps for this so ask a responsible adult if you can download them.

Here are the download links

Scratch Desktop: Scratch – Scratch Offline Editor (mit.edu) (You can just click on create on this website if you don’t think you will be doing this much)

Open up Scratch Desktop from your downloads folder.

You will be met with a white box on the left, a cat on the top right and a box with blocks on the left.

These blocks are the code. You move the blocks around with your mouse and “snap” them together!

Go to the left of your screen

You will see different options, motion, looks, sounds, events, controls, sensing, operators, variables and my blocks.

Click on events, click and drag on the “when <green flag> pressed” block, then drop it in the white box.

Now go to the looks. and click on the “say {Hello!}” block.

Next drop it underneath the “when <green flag> pressed” block.

They should stick together (a bit like Lego).

Now go to the top right and click on the green flag logo

If everything has worked the cat should have a speech bubble with Hello! in it.

Try clicking on the bubble inside the block and typing something in. e.g. Hi I’m Scratch!

Press the green flag again now it should change to new text!

Now click on the “sounds” tab at the top left (not the left). This will change to a screen with a sound spectrum.   

press play

you will hear a cat!

now go to the code section

go to sound                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    put the “start sound <meow>” before the “say <your text here>” block and press the green flag

Thank You For Reading This Post There Will Be More Every Week!



5 thoughts on “Coding For Beginners

  • Next Issue will be out soon!

  • Issue 2 Cancelled. New Issue may take a while.

  • This is very informative ! Thank you Nathan !

  • OMG i cant wait until issue 3 is out, this really is an incredible post!

    • Thanks!

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