
Assassinations part 1:JFK (Younger readers may find this upsetting)

!WARNING! Younger readers may find disturbing.

The year is 1961, it is the middle of the Cold War and the USA has elected a new president his name is John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

He is a man who is tough on communism and something else that is tough is his presidency. So some backstory is that Cuba (A country just off the coast of Florida) allowed the Russians to keep missiles there. BUT… there’s a US marine (someone who works in the navy) named Lee Harvey Oswald who wants to kill Kennedy.

He has thought of a plan to assassinate Kennedy and it seemed that he was turning his nightmare of a plan into reality.

On the 22nd of November Kennedy who was driving through Dallas, Texas was shot in the head with a sniper rifle by none other than Lee Harvey Oswald.

Kennedy’s assassination sent the world crazy and shaped the world into what it is today.