
Artists Explained Part 1 :J.M.W Turner The Founder of Romanticism…

The year is 1775 and in London a young boy name Joseph Mallord William Turner- or J.M.W Turner for short- is born in a house in London but sadly he didn’t get to see his dad until the age of 2 because he was busy fighting for the Brits in the American Revolution (The war that got America independence).

But, ignoring that, he decided at the age of 14 he decided to pick up a paintbrush and start painting. He worked for hours a day until he created his masterpiece. A poet who lived near Turner said that he would work  and work then do nothing for days but stare at his artwork.

Due to his passion for painting, Turner moved to Margate because he heard that there are beautiful sky views and that he could use in his paintings.

Skipping forward years later, he painted a painting that would found Romanticism and  turned into modern Expressionism: The Fighting Temeraire as shown below!

When he died in 1851, many people mourned him and even in 2011 a gallery in Margate was made specially for him. I wanted to make an article about Turner because I think he was the greatest artist to ever live.

R.I.P Legend Turner
