
Aquarius: The Star Sign

If you are born between the 21st of January and the 21st of February you would be an Aquarius . I am an Aquarius because my birthday is 2nd February.

Aquarius is a water-carrier. For this reason, an Aquarius is usually thought to be a water sign -but it is actually an air sign!

They normally take a path that is less travelled and sometimes they are very emotional. Now this may sound a bit weird but Aquarius rules the planet Uranus. Many people who are an Aquarius are really good at art. They are also have quirky personalities and they are very easy going. One last fact is that they are the humanitarians of the zodiac. This means they care about other people.


I think that I am a lot like how a typical Aquarius is supposed to be.


Thanks for reading! Comment if you would like me to write articles about other star signs.

One thought on “Aquarius: The Star Sign

  • Amazing article! Plz do Pieces next becuz i am one!

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