
A Magical Universe

This is a magical universe by Jessica Burley (Wagtails class)

Chapter 1: New Years Day

A magical evening started on a very special day…

It was new years eve. Fireworks filled the air. Magic was in the air. Larissa was watching the television, she was staring with her indigo, ocean blue eyes. Her parents were setting up their fireworks, or should I say parent. Her mum and dad split up when she was a toddler, she has not seen her dad in 14 years. Though her and her mum was happy, they both had a missing piece of their heart. They both just wanted to live a happy life…

Larissa heard a scream. She ran out of the living room, to the back garden to see her mum standing patiently. She was confused.

” Uh mum, what was that scream?” She asked.

” What scream? Are you feeling ok?”

” Uh.. Don’t worry, it was just my imagination! Heheh..”

She walked back inside with a outburst of confusion. She was sure it was her mum’s scream, unless it was a scream from another universe..

New year was minutes away. The new years fireworks were lit. It was now a new year, 1st January 2023. Fireworks screamed and screeched. Explosions were filling the atmosphere. Her mum called her outside and they both lit their firework.

“Run mum you don’t know when it will-”

The firework zoomed past others into the air. An extraordinary colour was gleaming, in the blackness of the star-filled sky. People cheered for the firework! It was the best one is their area!

Then the noise dropped. She fell into a deep sleep, no one knew why, until they all fell into a deep sleep. They woke up in a different world, a different universe. Colours were everywhere. Although it was strange, it was definitely a magical universe…

Chapter 2: The Magical Universe

Everyone woke. But not in earth. In the universe. Silence drew closer to earth and voices were shouting and screaming in the universe.

” WHERE ARE WE?!” Screamed a neighbour

Another person screamed, ” WHAT IS HAPPENING!? WHY US?! ARE WE IN HEAVEN?!”

Chaos was everywhere. There wasn’t too many people, but screaming was everywhere. You might be wondering how many people were there, I would say nearly 70 people! I know this seems a lot, but it isn’t. Then, the noise dropped. Again.

They all woke up. In earth. Strangely enough, they all forgot it. Like seriously. I know I am leaving this on a cliff hanger, but I will continue this…

I hope you enjoyed this story!

Have a wonderful day!

3 thoughts on “A Magical Universe

  • I really like it!😀

  • My favorite line is:” WHERE ARE WE?!”

  • i love iit

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