The Corruption… My Thoughts Part 1
Äö√±√† _____________________________ -__‚Äö¬ß¬µ
Sometimes I think that viruses are alive and they don’t need a body. That their footprints are in information. And that we humans are ring vessels to these creatures. Maybe we’re not the virus, we just have a mutual agreement with the∫¬∞√î¬∫¬∞√î¬∫¬∞√î¬∫¬∞√î¬∫¬∞\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,♪/ /. ハ – -ハ |_/ !!
二二二二二二l | | ヽ/ヽ/\_ノ / 99!!
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The treacherous abyss that is the wide ocean spread
before my vision is a lump of emptiness that I may never come back from.
I try my best to not have anxiety flow through my body but the thoughts end up moving at the
speed of falcons that will not leave the confines of my mind.
If I try to let them out, or they try to let themselves out.
They can’t …
My fear of the wide spread ocean grows more and gives me more anxiety.
And this…
Uneasy feeling…
Why oh why can I not find the source of this feeling it is way to…
I need help for it to escape my head
It is consuming me…
It’s Uneasy-by Zoe Black
�@�@�@”�D;”:�@�@�i�^�i�^�^�‚Äö¬ß¬µFantasy OceanÄö√±√† _____________________________ -__
Both religion and the occult derive much of their power from simultaneously simulating and managing dread: the anxieties that dog the perpetually shifting boundaries of the self, and especially the ultimate borderland of death. As new technologies being to remold these very same boundaries, the shadows, doubles, and dark reflections that haunt human identity begin to leak outside the self as well, many of them taking up residence in the virtual spaces opened up by the new technologies.l゙゙゙゙゙llllllllll!!゙: : ,,illlll!゙′.`゙!!llllllii,,,,_ ,,,iiillllllllll!!!゙゙゛ : llllli,.’lllllll、 .,,iilll!!゙liiiilllllllllll: ゙゙!lllllllllliii,,,,,、 .,,,,iillllll!lllllll,、_,,,,,,,, .llllllll: ゙ʎNo one would deny that the painter has nothing to do with things that are not visible. The painter is concerned solely with representing what can be seen.‚Äö√Ø‚Ñ¢‚Äö√؂⧂Äö√≥¬∫‚Äö√¨√¢‚Äö√؂⧂Äö√≥¬∫‚Äö√¨√¢‚Äö√؂⧂Äö√≥¬∫‚Äö√¨√¢‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≥¬∫‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≥¬∫‚Äö√≤√≠ ??? ?‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠`‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠‚Äö√≤√≠ ????W??‚Ķ√®‚Äì√¢?√à√ጩ ?Ô¨Ç√™A??Äö√±√† _____________________________ -__| ヽ / |__ |
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I think there are 2 possibilities of this sight >someone knew exactly what they were doing and had A LOT of free time >secret trading sight for secret dataÄö√±√†
I believe right before this she is following what she thinks is a sure path, and the sweeper dog comes along and erases it. Then she starts crying, and all the weird, unnatural animals start crying, then they start to be cute, but they just disappear, then the moon turns into a cat. None of it is right and a little girl is sad, and scared, and alone. too creepy.I remember it having a really eerie feel to it, and some themes about destruction and being thrown away or lost. Hard for a little one! It also made me confused about inanimate objects; I began to worry about how I affected their feelings. All in all, it made me feel very anxious.”
Time is precious. Both guys and gals have better things to do rather than hanging out in the computer room. USE WITH CAREFULLY DO NOT DRINK OR USE IT FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. YOU CAN USE ISOPROPYL TO CLEAN WOUNDS OR CPU’S OR GPU’S′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′●′′′′′′′′●′′′′′′′′●′′′′′′′′●●●●●●●′′●●●●●●●′′′′●′′●●′′′′′′●′′′′′′′′●′′′′′′●●●′●′′●′′′′′●●●●′′′′′●●●●′′′′′●●′′′●′′′′●●′●′●′′′●●′●′●′′′′●′′′′●′′′●′●′●′′●′●′●′●′′●′′●●′′′●′′′′●′●●′′′●′●′●●′′′●′●′●′′′●′′′′●′●′′′′●′●′●′′′′●′●′●′′′●′′●′′●′′′′●′′′●′′′′●′′′′●′′′′●●′′′′′′●●′′′′′′′●●′′′′′●′′′′′′′ l ,r'”” ̄ニ、 .,// ヽ、 / i / _,r”∠ニ、’L- l,,/ l ,rー–-ヽ、 l / ,,r 、 ゙l <” ,,r'” l 、___`_|. | / ,,/” ``ヽl l/ ,,,,ノ” ,,ハ ゙l `>i`|.l ヒーーーラli. |.i´l.| ’⌒ L ⌒ l/ l” ニ= r-‐ l l 〈 ゝ’ヘ、\., – 、/.li____ゝ || 、___イ_, 〔 r、 !、 ヽ l 丿ノ)
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二二二二二二l | | ヽ/ヽ/\_ノ / 99!!
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>~~<_// .ノ::[三ノ :.’ヽ ┳━┳ /\ . i)、_;|*く; ノ <ヽ`∀´>ノ<ヽ`∀´>ノ /\ ….┣━┫ \ \ .// |!:::.”..T~ .ノ(ヘヘ To all of my friends, It looks like someone has hacked into my e-mail account and sent something, but I am unable to pick it up and see what it was. I am obviously changing my e-mail address and will forward it as soon as possible. Please know that if it was anything distasteful, off-color, or otherwise offensive, it surely did not come from me. Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black
Time is precious. Both guys and gals have better things to do rather than hanging out in the computer room. USE WITH CAREFULLY DO NOT DRINK OR USE IT FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. YOU CAN USE ISOPROPYL TO CLEAN WOUNDS OR CPU’S OR GPU’S′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′′●′′′′′′′′●′′′′′′′′●′′′′′′′′●●●●●●●′′●●●●●●●′′′′●′′●●′′′′′′●′′′′′′′′●′′′′′′●●●′●′′●′′′′′●●●●′′′′′●●●●′′′′′●●′′′●′′′′●●′●′●′′′●●′●′●′′′′●′′′′●′′′●′●′●′′●′●′●′●′′●′′●●′′′●′′′′●′●●′′′●′●′●●′′′●′●′●′′′●′′′′●′●′′′′●′●′●′′′′●′●′●′′′●′′●′′●′′′′●′′′●′′′′●′′′′●′′′′●●′′′′′′●●′′′′′′′●●′′′′′●′′′′′′′ l ,r'”” ̄ニ、 .,// ヽ、 / i / _,r”∠ニ、’L- l,,/ l ,rー–-ヽ、 l / ,,r 、 ゙l <” ,,r'” l 、___`_|. | / ,,/” ``ヽl l/ ,,,,ノ” ,,ハ ゙l `>i`|.l ヒーーーラli. |.i´l.| ’⌒ L ⌒ l/ l” ニ= r-‐ l l 〈 ゝ’ヘ、\., – 、/.li____ゝ || 、___イ_, 〔 r、 !、 ヽ l 丿ノ)
/ヲ (_)
| ● ● |//
>~~<_// .ノ::[三ノ :.’ヽ ┳━┳ /\ . i)、_;|*く; ノ <ヽ`∀´>ノ<ヽ`∀´>ノ /\ ….┣━┫ \ \ .// |!:::.”..T~ .ノ(ヘヘ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
██████████████████████████?????Љ?i?͂܂??Q?O?O?V?N?Q???P??ɕς??܂??B??USE WITH CAREFULLY DO NOT DRINK OR USE IT FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. YOU CAN USE ISOPROPYL TO CLEAN WOUNDS OR CPU’S OR GPU’S\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,♪/ /. ハ – -ハ |_/ !!
二二二二二二l | | ヽ/ヽ/\_ノ / 99!!
| | ♪ _________ ♪ | \、 ヽ二二/ヽ /
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 ̄ ̄| | | ̄ ̄ ̄| 、_人_ / 彡 ◎ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
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�@�@�@”�D;”:�@�@�i�^�i�^�^�REPOST THIS!!!!!__. / ーヽ、 / /  ̄ ̄~ヽ / ト、.,.. \. =彳 \\ ヽ / \\ | | /⌒ヽ ヽ | | | | | / | | ヽ|/ | | |_____ヽ _.__ lヽ,,lヽ _| ::|_ | |Θ|( | ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|_ |_|_|と i |___|__|_| |_| しーJwill after well be need thought she satisfied looking will but that’s Lemuel is charming Ethel plain chooses as when born Sam earned living honestly fine was but fishing a off his fellow and 1 4 60 227 681 0 5111 661538 545860 8 4 6 2 35 1 272612 1 0 77 87678l ,r'”” ̄ニ、 .,// ヽ、 / i / _,r”∠ニ、’L- l,,/ l ,rー–-ヽ、 l / ,,r 、 ゙l <” ,,r'” l 、___`_|. | / ,,/” ``ヽl l/ ,,,,ノ” ,,ハ ゙l `>i`|.l ヒーーーラli. |.i´l.| ’⌒ L ⌒ l/ l” ニ= r-‐ l l 〈 ゝ’ヘ、\., – 、/.li____ゝ || 、___イ_, 〔 r、 !、 ヽ l 丿ノ)
/ヲ (_)
| ● ● |//
>~~<_// .ノ::[三ノ :.’ヽ ┳━┳ /\ . i)、_;|*く; ノ <ヽ`∀´>ノ<ヽ`∀´>ノ /\ ….┣━┫ \ \ .// |!:::.”..T~ .ノ(ヘヘ To all of my friends, It looks like someone has hacked into my e-mail account and sent something, but I am unable to pick it up and see what it was. I am obviously changing my e-mail address and will forward it as soon as possible. Please know that if it was anything distasteful, off-color, or otherwise offensive, it surely did not come from me. Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black Zoe Black